

Маркетингийн мэргэжилтэн ажилд авна

Маркетингийн мэргэжилтэн ажилд авна


Эд зүйлсийн тодорхойлолт

1. Organize marketing activities of the organization according to the medium and short-term planning of marketing
2. Identify social needs and increase community participation
3. Actively implement fundraising activities and stabilize domestic financial resources
4. Organize a short-term team reception program at least 2 times a year
5. Carrying out tasks assigned by the manager, participating in related works, and self-development

– Ability to conduct applied research and analysis
– Ability to use graphic design, print source preparation, application programs (Adobe photoshop, premiere, in design, illustration and Microsoft office) and internet environment

– Innovator and creative
– Teamwork
– Official communication /coordinating, negotiating, persuading/
– Ability to serve customers
– Responsibility
– Consultant

Bachelor’s degree or higher
Dead line: 2022.11.10  /14:00/


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